MovieSherlock - MacOS X YouTube downloader and Converter.

Press release: MovieSherlock Full

Publisher: Capibara

MovieSherlock - MacOS X YouTube downloader and Converter. One click search, download and convert YouTube movies. Download any movie you like from YouTube and convert on your MacOS X. MovieSherlock can download and convert even HD (High Definitin) movies from Youtube. MovieSherlock will search for and present you with a list of found movies, that corresponds your request. Any Youtube movie can hide from you when MovieSherlock comes with you. We spent dozens of days developing it and all of this just for your satisfaction. Download Youtube movies until your hard drive is full! Are you tired of copy&paste URLs to download a video? Now it"s even easier! No need to digg for this movie on Youtube site. No need to catch it with different online spys and sort out correct movie. Just run the MovieSherlock (MacOS X YouTube downloader and converter software) decide what do you want to watch today and you are single button click away click from All of thet Youtube movies on your hard drive. Converted movies are stored at users Movies folder (~/Movies/) so you can easily access them. MovieSherlock - MacOS X YouTube downloader and converter makes a revolutional step in a new web. do not watch and save links to you lovely movies. Download and convert them! Downloaded Youtube is always with you! It"s our goal, that you are enjoed this amazing software. Thank you.