EULA: RaySpace

A reverb and space designer for PC and Mac.

Software: RaySpace

QuikQuak, RaySpace and all materials (including without limitation all text, images, logos, software, and design) are copyright 2005 to David J. Hoskins. Its structure, organization and code are valuable trade secrets of David J. Hoskins. The Software is also protected by International Copyright Law and International Treaty provisions. You will not to modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of this Software. Once registered, the copying or reproduction of the software to any other location, or further redistribution is expressly prohibited. By using this software, you assume the entire risk as to its quality and performance. Should it prove defective, you and not David J. Hoskins, or its suppliers, assume the entire cost of all necessary servicing and repair. If you do not agree to this copyright notice, please remove this software immediately.